Business Financial FAQ
How can I qualify for a Business Loan or a Business Cash Advance?
Red Payments is not a bank! This allows us to look at the unique financial situation of each of our clients rather than trying to fit each merchant into a pre-existing set of pre-qualifying criteria. At Red Payments we believe that each merchant has unique needs and qualifying for loans or advances should be based on these unique needs. Contact one of our knowledgeable sales or customer services representatives to determine what type of financial help Red Payments can offer to your business.
Will my credit score affect my ability to obtain a Business Loan?
Although your credit score is one of the factors considered, it is not the only or even the predominant factor considered in determining your eligibility for business loan. Contact one of our sales representatives to discuss your businesses unique needs and how we can help you obtain a business loan.
Are there any personal guarantees involved in a Business Cash Advance?
There are absolutely no personal guarantees given for a business cash advance. The money which is advanced to the merchant is advanced against future credit card transaction.